Parent Information Handbook


Enrolment  |  Bikes and Scooters  |  Class Structure  |  Footwear  |  Interm Swimming Lessons  |  Kindergarten and Pre-primary Programme  |

Money at School  |  Notices  |  Parent Participation  |  Protection from the Sun  |  Reports  |  School Newsletter  |  Sporting Carnivals  |

Student Health Care  |  Valuables and Personal Property  |  Uniforms  |  P&C  |  School Times  |  Absence  |  School Bus Service 



Parent Information Handbook


Enrolment forms are available at the front office or by clicking on the link below. Once completed, the enrolment form can be e-mailed for initial placement and finalised at the school upon arrival.


Download Form:          Application for Enrolment
Complete & Email to:


Parents, carers and guardians of all year K-7 students in Australia have been asked to provide information on their family background as part of a national initiative towards providing an education system that is fair to all students regardless of their background. The required information includes the Indigenous status and language background of the student, and the education, occupation, and language background of the parents. Parents, carers and guardians are also required to provide relevant documentation and information regarding the following, where applicable:


  • Passports and Visas
  • Immunisation Records
  • Birth Certificates
  • Previous School Reports
  • Legal Evidence (concerning custody or other related court orders)
  • Special Medical Conditions/Needs
  • Special Learning Needs



As legislated, all Western Australian Schools are required to enrol students according to their birth dates at 30 June for each academic year. This initiative commenced many years ago. Please contact the office regarding enrolment enquiries.




Bikes and Scooters

Children who ride a bike or scooter to school are required to wear a helmet. Bikes and scooters are to be placed in the area provided near the cricket nets.





Class Structure

Southern Cross District High School is grouped into multi-age class groups.


Students in multi-age classrooms are active participants, they have the opportunity to be co-operative and independent learners, and they are able to take on a variety of leadership roles. The classrooms enhance self-esteem due to developmental learning. They develop talkers, listeners, explorers, questioners, critical thinkers, initiators and responsible individuals.





The school policy is to encourage suitable footwear. Sandals, shoes and socks, and joggers are acceptable. Other types of footwear can be dangerous and are not recommended. Students may not be able to participate in some classroom activities if they are wearing inappropriate footwear (for example Science and Physical Education, Home Economics and Design and Technology).





Interm Swimming Lessons

Interm Swimming Lessons are currently conducted for students in Pre-primary to Year 6 at the Southern Cross Swimming Pool. These lessons are conducted during Term 4 each year by accredited AusSwim coaches.





Keeping in Touch

When your child is enrolled, you are required to provide current home and work telephone numbers together with a local contact person.

In the event that any of these change, you are required to notify the school, as soon as possible.


We take the safety and care of your child very seriously and in order to do that we require up-to-date and accurate telephone numbers and contact names.




Kindergarten and Pre-primary Programme

Kindergarten sessions are set in a multi-age group with the Pre-primary and Year 1 children. The Kindergarten programme runs on the following days:


Terms 1 and 2 - Tuesday and Thursday (all day)

Terms 3 and 4 - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (all day)


Schooling in Kindergarten is on a voluntary basis. At the time that a child is enrolling in pre-compulsory schooling, parents need to inform the school if they do not wish their child to fully participate in the Kindergarten program.


Pre-primary is compulsory, and as such all students enrolled in Pre-primary must comply with departmental policy on attendance.




Money at School

When children bring money to school for special occasions, we recommend that it is handed to the classroom teacher as soon as possible. If parents would like some money envelopes to keep at home, they may contact the front office.


No cash money is kept on school premises, so if students are paying for excursions they must bring the correct amount of money.






In order to provide families with details of all matters related to our school, notices will be issued via the oldest child from each family attending school.

Notices may also be posted on Facebook, e-mailed or sent home with the school newsletter.

We encourage you to join our Facebook Page, where notices, upcoming events and other information gets posted regularly. 




Parent Participation

Southern Cross District High School is proactive in developing and maintaining very close links with parents. Once forged, these links have been found to result in:


  • Greater understanding by parents of their children’s schooling
  • Improved awareness by teachers of the children and their needs
  • Better communication between home and school
  • Fewer problems and misunderstandings
  • Increased goodwill and mutual respect between parents and teachers.


Parents are invited to participate in any or all of the following...



Assemblies are conducted and organised by the Student Council and and each is organised by a different class. They are held on Thursday morning in Week 5 and at the end of each term, as advertised. All classes are given an opportunity to perform a class item that highlights work recently undertaken. Assemblies will commence at 9.00am, and are held in the undercover area.



In accordance with the Education Act Regulations, Principals have the responsibility of enabling staff, parents and community members to participate in the planning process of the school throught the School Board. Further information about the School Board can be obtained through the front office, or by clicking here.



Parent assistance in the classroom is most welcome. Times and duties can be negotiated with the staff concerned.



An interview is a healthy and desirable part of the school program and may be held at various and regular periods throughout the year. Parents are encouraged to request interviews to discuss any matters of concern. In week 1 of Term 3, 3 way interviews will be held to dicuss your child's Semester 1 report.






Protection from the Sun

Our school policy “NO HAT, NO PLAY” is implemented in all four terms. This applies to physical education lessons as well as to recess and lunch breaks.   

Sunscreen is provided, but please provide your child with his/her own sunscreen if they have an allergy to regular sunscreen.


As of 2021, all students are required to wear the school "bucket" hat, as endorsed by the School Board. Hats are available for purchase from the P&C Uniform Co-ordinator.





School reports are sent home at the end of each semester, as per Department of Education Guidelines. Portfolio/Work Sample Books, Interviews and Conferences are some of the other formats which the school may use to advise you of your child’s progress at school.


Please feel free to discuss your child’s progress by making an appointment with your classroom teacher.





School Newsletter

We issue a comprehensive newsletter to each family twice a term. It aims to provide details of our school’s operation and events, keeps you in touch with your child’s education, and contains other details such as community events.


If you're a family who would like the newsletter e-mailed to you, send us your request at:


You can also view our newsletters on our website by clicking here.





Sporting Carnivals

Southern Cross District High School primary students are part of the Yilgarn Small Schools Sports Association (Y.S.S.S.A.) and as such, joins with the other schools within the Shire of Yilgarn for interschool swimming and athletics carnivals. Participation and enjoyment are two of the more significant aspects of each schools involvement.


In addition, Southern Cross is part of the Southern District High School Sports Association Interschool Athletics Carnival. This carnival involves students of all ages who are selected to represent Southern Cross against students from Bruce Rock, Corrigin, Narembeen and Kulin at different locations each year.


The school currently participates as one faction.


Parents are welcome to attend carnivals, to cheer for our teams and applaud the performances of all competitors.



Student Health Care



If your child is injured or becomes ill, all care and attention will be given and you will be contacted. Minor injuries or illness during the day are attended to at school and children are then returned to class. In an extreme emergency, the school will seek outside medical assistance. If you have a change of address or telephone number it is important to inform the school, so there won’t be a delay in contacting you.



We have some students in our school with severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reactions to all nuts and nut products. Traces of nuts left on other children’s hands and close contact during eating, laughing, spitting, sneezing or coughing after consuming nuts or nut products can cause these children to have an allergic reaction.  We would ask you to be aware of this, and to try and help us provide a safe environment for these children, please DO NOT send nuts or nut products to school.



If your child is anaphylactic/asthmatic you will need to notify the school upon enrolment ensuring that you complete all of the necessary emergency action plans. These plans will need to be signed by your General Practitioner. You will also be required to provide a prescribed adrenaline auto-injector which can be used at school, if necessary. All relevant forms are available from the office and we suggest that parents/carers obtain a copy of these before going to the doctor with a sick child. Alternatively, most doctors will have a form which they can use.



What will the school do if head lice are found?

  • Notify the parents of the child with head lice
  • Treatment must be commenced and all head lice removed before the child is permitted to return to school. Confirmation of treatment needs to be in writing to the child’s teacher
  • Notify the parents of students in the child’s class that head lice have been found so that hair can be checked.
  • Under the School Education Act 1999, the Principal may exclude a child with head lice from school until treatment has commenced.



The following diseases require exclusion from school:

  • Chicken Pox
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Covid-19
  • Diarrhoea
  • Impetigo
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Ringworm, Scabies, Lice
  • Trachoma
  • Rubella
  • Whooping Cough
  • Worms
  • Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease


Please check with the Manager Corporate Services for the length of exclusion in each case. If in doubt, consult your doctor. The school will contact parents if it is suspected that a child may have an infectious disease. Please notify the school of any serious infectious disease your child may contract.



Immunisation is organised through the School Health Nurse who visits several times a term. Students who are not immunised or who have not provided proof of immunisation will be excluded in the event of an outbreak of a communicable disease such as measles, or chicken pox. The School Based Immunisation Program will involve students in Years 7 and 10. Permission forms for immunisations will be sent home with your child when necessary.



The Education Department has established guidelines about the administration of medication to students.


Except in an extreme emergency, e.g. unexpected anaphylaxis, medication can only be administered by school staff if appropriate documentation has been completed by parents/carers. This applies to both prescribed and non-prescribed medication.


Short Term Use of Medication (up to two weeks)

For administration of short term medication such as a course of antibiotics, our school requires written authority from parents/carers.  This authority can be provided by completing an Administration of Medication form. These forms can be obtained from the front office.



The medication must be clearly labelled with the child’s name and provided in packaging from the pharmacy or the manufacturer. Documentation must be signed and dated by a parent or carer and provided to the school with the medication.


Long Term Use of Medication

If you require the school to administer medication to your child for a period of more than two weeks, and if you have not already done so, you may need to complete a Student Health Care Summary and a Management/Emergency Response Plan for your child’s particular health need.  In most instances, this documentation will have been completed when you enrolled your child or as part of the school’s process for updating student health care records.  If this is not the case, please discuss with the Principal, Deputy or classroom teacher.




Valuables and Personal Property

Children are encouraged not to bring toys or expensive personal property to school, unless specifically requested to do so. On these occasions, they should only be brought to school with your express knowledge. War toys or toy guns are not appropriate in our school environment.





All students at Southern Cross District High School are required to wear uniforms. A full copy of the uniform policy and an Order Form is included in your enrolment pack, or can be obtained by contacting the front office. The P&C stocks a range of new uniforms and hats, plus some second-hand items which are also available. Enquiries regarding uniforms should be directed to the P&C Uniform Coordinator.




Girls Uniform




Navy/Sky Blue polo shirt with logo with navy skirt, navy skorts, or navy shorts. Navy polo dress.



Navy/Sky Blue polo shirt with logo with navy skirt, or navy track pants, navy windcheater or navy zip jacket with logo.


Boys Uniform




Navy/Sky Blue polo shirt with logo with navy shorts.



Navy/Sky Blue polo shirt with logo with navy track pants, navy windcheater or navy zip jacket with logo.




Girls Uniform




Navy/Sky Blue (Sky Blue collar) polo shirt with logo with navy blue skirt, skorts, or shorts.



Navy/Sky Blue (Sky Blue collar) polo shirt with logo with navy skirt, or navy track pants, navy windcheater or navy zip jacket with logo.


Boys Uniform




Navy/Sky Blue (Sky Blue collar) polo shirt with logo with navy shorts.



Navy/Sky Blue (Sky Blue collar) polo shirt with logo with navy track pants, navy windcheater or navy zip jacket with logo.



A school bucket hat with the school logo must be worn by all. All students must wear a hat while out of the classroom and during physical education lessons. Inappropriate logos, words and pictures are not acceptable at school.



All students are required to wear shoes or sandals, preferable black. In the interest of safety no thongs or slip-on shoes please.



  • We ask that you clearly label your children’s clothing to avoid expensive losses
  • The Department of Education has a No Denim Policy, and our School Board has endorsed this within Southern Cross District High School
  • Makeup, jewellery and body adornments need to be minimal, unobtrusive and safe; preferably kept for the weekend rather than worn at school
  • Long hair should to be tied back during school time.




P&C (Parents & Citizens Association)

The Southern Cross District High P&C Association is a small, productive network of parents who continually strive to raise much needed funds for our school to provide equipment needed to benefit its students. All families at the SCDHS are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the P&C meetings and activities. The P&C is always looking for new faces with new ideas to join our Association.


Our 2023 Committee is:


President: Bianca Bradford

Vice President: Jenna Christie

Secretary: Shona Thomson

Treasurer: Shona Thomson

Uniform Coordinator: 

Scholastics Coordinator: 

The next meeting date is to be advised. All parents welcome.


If you are interested in volunteering for the P&C please register your interest at the front office or call 08 9048 9000.




School Times

Students should arrive at school no earlier than 8.30 am and by 8.45 am for commencement of school at 8.50am.  Students arriving after this time are requested to attend the front office to receive a late note.  A siren is used to signal the commencement and end of the day, recess and lunch.  Students are expected to make their way to class as soon as the siren sounds.


Kindergarten to Year 6


Year 7 to Year 10


First Siren


8.45 am

First Siren


Start School


8.50 am

Start School


Morning Recess



Period One


End of Recess



Period Two





Morning Recess


End of Lunch



End of Recess


School Closes



Period Three





Period Four

Every Tuesday






Early Close



End of Lunch





Period Five





Period Six





School Closes









Every Tuesday






Early Close





Attendance at school of students from Pre-primary, to the end of the year that a student turns 18, is compulsory. Under Section 25 of the School Education Act 1999 parents are required to notify the school of the reason for their child‟s absence as soon as possible or within three days of the first day of absence. The school may also request a certificate from a medical practitioner to support the reason for a prolonged absence.


All absences from school must be explained and recorded by the school to comply with government regulations. It is therefore a parent’s responsibility to advise and give a reasonable explanation of every absence by their child/children to the school.

Southern Cross DHS now has SMS capability and will notify the parents of students who are not at school prior to 10.00 am of their child’s absence via their mobile phone.

Parents are able to notify the school of the reason for their child’s absence in the following ways:

  • Report the absence online here
  • Send a text to 0437 805 012
  • Phone 9049 1067
  • Send a written note





School Bus Service

There are two school bus runs currently available. The bus runs are Southern Cross South and Koolyanobbing. 


Parents with students who need to travel on the bus each day must complete an Application for Travel Assistance which can be found on the School Bus Website -


The front office must be informed when children who catch the bus on a regular basis are not going to be travelling home on the bus on a particular day. This is to avoid staff looking for children who may have gone home with a parent or footy practice, etc. If the school is not formally notified of any changes to bus travel, the student in question must travel on the bus.


Children who do not usually catch the bus must have parents sign an occasional travel form every time they wish to use this service. These forms are available at the front office.


Students are encouraged to follow our school STARS behaviour expectations while travelling to and from school.